
Travel Journal

We Make It To Machu Picchu

Today was the day I cross an item off my bucket list! Visiting Machu Picchu was a main reason for our trip south of the equator and it almost didn't happen. I booked the whole experience through a travel agency in Cusco as it would be easier than trying to navigate the government website (in Spanish). Everything also needs to be booked several months in advance--the train to the nearest town, the bus up to the site, and the entrance fee. We also booked the hike up the big peak, Huayna Picchu, that overlooks the ruins--only 400 people per day are allowed on the trail. Well, the travel agency "lost" our reservations, and it took some phone calls, angry comments and some tense moments for them to fix their mistake. But in the end all was good.

Machu Picchu with Huayna Picchu peak in the background
Machu Picchu with Huayna Picchu peak in the background

We set out on the train very early from Ollantaytambo. The journey took one and a half hours and passed through some beautiful mountainous landscapes. We then took a tourist bus up a switchback road to the ruins. It was a crystal clear blue sky day. We were scheduled to start the Huayna Picchu hike at 10am so headed straight for the trailhead on the other side of the ruins. The peak loomed high above us and I wondered what I was getting myself into.

The trail itself was a 1.8k well-maintained shady stone path that seemed manageable at first, but then began to climb steeply up the spine of the peak. We gained altitude rapidly, and suddenly we were almost there. For the last 300m the trail became a series of narrow stone steps with steep dropoffs on either side. Then we had to follow a narrow path along a cliff, through a crevice onto some boulders. There was virtually no safety features--no fencing, ropes or bars. It was probably one of the scariest things we've ever done. But we made it to the very top in just over an hour and were rewarded with amazing views and the satisfaction of accomplishment.

We made it to the top of Huayna Picchu
We made it to the top of Huayna Picchu

However, the hardest part was coming down...literally the top third of the trail had us sliding down on our butts!

Having finished the hike, we focussed out attention on the ruins. We climbed up a small hill on the other side for a different perspective, then wandered through the ancient stone structures marvelling at the beauty of the design and ingenuity of its builders. Unfortunately we had to share the ruins with 500 Hewlett-Packard employees on some kind of an incentive/reward trip. At every main point of interest we had to work our way through large groups of blue-capped people and their guide, which certainly took away some of the mystique of this amazing sight. But Machu Picchu is as beautiful as its pictures, and we felt so lucky to have been able to experience it for ourselves.

The intrepid travelers make it to Machu Picchu
The intrepid travelers make it to Machu Picchu