What I Learned About a Country, a Daughter and Myself
Germany is a fascinating country, a mix of old and new, traditional yet contemporary, and, in reality, a bit of a contradiction. Its people are friendly, and everything works like a typical modern society of the 21st century should. Yet Germans hold tightly on to their traditions—architecture, culture and stories---and are fiercely proud of their history, both the good and not so good. Even the darkest moments are openly acknowledged and commemorated. It seems its citizens, born long after the end of WW2, still struggle to come to terms with its Nazi past. But Germany’s population is youthful and worldly, particularly in its cities. There is a positivity and vibrancy in every region through which we passed. I’m glad I had the chance to experience this proud optimistic country.
Having now spent 2 weeks 24/7 in the company of my amazing daughter, I think I can say I know her much better than before this trip. Capable and calm, friendly and easy to talk to, she is always open to new experiences. And when things don’t work out as planned, she regroups and adapts with such ease and confidence that I wonder sometimes if I really raised her. (“Chill Mom” often came out of her mouth when I became unnecessarily worried…and everything, of course, was ultimately fine) She can navigate any environment, using paper directions, GPS or "gut feeling". She is also understanding of my need to rest, and, when I fell, picked me up and helped clean my wounds. I am comforted that she will be there to take care of me if needed. Finally, while I know she appreciated that I planned and organized this trip to cover the best of the country, she also made it clear that she preferred a more “off-the-tourist path, go with the flow” approach to traveling! I think we are of like mind here. Our trip was a whirlwind and in the future I will be subscribing to the “slow travel” philosophy.
I surprised myself as well on this trip. I kept up with her on our rambles (she has long legs) and maintained enough energy to do each stop in our itinerary justice. Traveling with her, I saw things through a new lens. It was a joy to marvel and appreciate yet another medieval square, despite having already seen the best in the world. Letting go and giving her control was hard, but I always felt I was in capable hands. I also realized that I don’t always have the answers or if I do, they’re not always right! And most of all, I am not ashamed to admit that I do much better when I’ve had my afternoon nap!
How is it that my beautiful daughter is like me in some ways (mornings are not our friend), but so unlike me in others? She is definitely her own person. I can tell she is comfortable with who she is…and I am immensely proud of her!
On our last evening in Europe, Len met us in Frankfurt. We enjoyed a beer and rose cava in the hotel room to celebrate our reunion. The next day we left our daughter in the train station and headed for home. As for Talia, she continues her travels in southern France (and is currently in Barcelona) till the end of summer.
Wishing her wonderful experiences, new friends and discovering more about herself!